Taiji Dolphin Slaughter Starting September 1st

Starting September 1st, a hunt for 2,000 dolphins will take place
in Taiji, Japan inside the infamous 'Cove'. These dolphins, found by Japan going through migration routes, are corralled by fisherman then sold to aquariums around the world, and then slaughtered inside a secret cove. This must be stopped. For more info, go to SaveJapanDolphins.org!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Hunt in Taiji: Day 4

This morning there was an update received from Leilani Munter of the Save Japan Dolphins team in Taiji with Ric O' Barry:

"Ric and I are safe along with two members of the team still with us. We have had major flooding & mudslides around us. Some dolphins are missing from pens but we can't verify how many yet. It is still raining. No internet or phone in hotel. Only have my iphone to connect so cannot upload video. Private Space still tailing us. Geez, he is very dedicated to his job."
No update on the dolphins.