Today it was brought to my attention that there are two dolphins, Hope and Destiny, being inhumanely confined in what could possibly be the worlds smallest dolphin tank located at, no other than, the TAIJI WHALE MUSEUM. These dolphins were first discovered by Ric O' Barry and Lincoln O' Barry in 2009 while in Taiji. The only difference between what they saw then, and what we see now, is that there were three dolphins being held in the tank in 2009. One has passed since then, and leaves the two.
Suspected as a result from captivity, these two dolphins just float all day in a coma like state, simply having no room to do anything else. In May 2011 Brian Barnes filmed a video of what he called the "Fish Bowl". This shows documentation of the effect of the captivity in this tank, and just how small the tank is. It truly is a fish bowl.
Please help get these two spotted dolphins out of this tank and into a larger home. PLEASE go sign the petition, and share it around as much as your heart can take. (Click Here) to sign the petition. Thank you.
Hi. I am Freedom For Marine Mammals. This blog is from the unique vantage point of a young person (13 years) trying to raise awareness of the desperate plight for freedom of captive marine mammals and the welfare of marine mammals. This blog will be updated frequently.
Taiji Dolphin Slaughter Starting September 1st
Starting September 1st, a hunt for 2,000 dolphins will take place
in Taiji, Japan inside the infamous 'Cove'. These dolphins, found by Japan going through migration routes, are corralled by fisherman then sold to aquariums around the world, and then slaughtered inside a secret cove. This must be stopped. For more info, go to!
in Taiji, Japan inside the infamous 'Cove'. These dolphins, found by Japan going through migration routes, are corralled by fisherman then sold to aquariums around the world, and then slaughtered inside a secret cove. This must be stopped. For more info, go to!